Morning Light Christos™ Candle

Lent invites us to more fervent prayer. Many Christians set aside a special time and place to meet with God each day. The Marklin Christos set is ideally suited for those who wish to observe Lent and continue its fruits throughout Easter. 

Two beeswax candles, one unbleached the other decorated, along with a custom base, make the set. Light the unbleached candle for your prayer at home during Lent. Its simplicity invites you to focus your day on Christ alone. Light the decorated candle during Easter Time. Its bright colors will remind you of the promise of resurrection.  

The Greek word Christos appears on many icons, often abbreviated with two letters: XC. In Latin those same letters spell the Roman numeral 90. The 40 days of Lent and the 50 days of Easter form the central 90 days of the Christian year.

With your own Christos set, you can now bring the simplicity and glory of these 90 days into your home.

~Rev. Paul Turner

The Christos candle is sold in the following configurations and includes a prayer card:

Set:  Lenten Christos candle, Easter Christos candle and Christos base
Pair:  Lenten Christos candle and Easter Christos candle
Lenten Christos Candle (unbleached wax)
Easter Christos Candle (bleached wax)

The candles are 2-1/2" x 6" and made of 51% Beeswax. The hand-crafted wooden base has a patinated metal bobeche and an espresso finish. Base dimensions:  3-7/8" x 1-1/2" .


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